Step away from the feverish hurry of life.
To a place where reality invades the depths of your soul.
And all is laid bare. Nothing remains to cause you pain.
...reach out & touch eternity...
If I had a day to do whatever I wish... Sleep late, drink green tea out of hand thrown ceramics while sitting in a warm, sunny breakfast nook, knit on a sofa while watching a delightful movie (probably either Harry Potter, Jane Austen, a focus features piece or an independent film or some sort), read a good book, take a nape, eat an orange, rub my hands with NakedBee's Orange Bloosom Honey lotion, eat Divine's fair trade 70% dark chocolate, wear mittens, cuddle with kittens, hold hands with my man, take a long bubbly bath, wear flannel pajamas, smell spearmint, campfire, vanilla, lemon & chocolate chip cookies, read Ecclesiastes and Proverbs and fall asleep to sweet dreams.